About Homeward House Collaborative

Our shared purpose is to prevent the multi-generational harm, damage, and costs of family separation due to substance use disorders and poverty. Recognizing, understanding, and addressing the indefensible systemic inequities facing Black, Native, and other marginalized families is a priority in our work.

The Homeward House program is unique. We stand alongside parents and expectant parents facing substance use disorders, poverty, and the potential or actual involvement of Child Protective Services (CPS). At the core of our approach is non-judgmental peer support provided by Parent Ally Mentors, complemented by comprehensive wrap-around services from members and partners. Through our collective efforts, we have witnessed remarkable transformations. Parents recover, families unite, and stable foundations for brighter futures are established.

The collaborative members and partners include individuals from diverse sectors, including social service agencies, nonprofit organizations, government entities, private businesses, and the broader Snohomish County community.

Homeward House Visitation & Resource Center

Parents who are striving to overcome poverty and substance use disorders often face overwhelming challenges and are unable to keep their children.

At the Homeward House Visitation and Resource Center in Everett, WA, families experience nonjudgmental peer support. They can access a network of specialized wraparound services to conquer those challenges and build strong, healthy bonds with their children.

Services include enriched parent/child visitation, assistance with basic needs, support from an infant mental health specialist, and assistance with education and employment — with the majority of services at no cost to families.

Parent ally mentors who have overcome similar challenges and are now living healthy, productive lives are at the heart of our services. They build relationships with parents and support them step-by-step in utilizing the services available to them in their journeys to recovery and reunification.

We welcome families with newborns or infants up to one year old, as well as parents who are expecting, who are living at or below the federal poverty level, and who have an active substance use disorder. Reach out.

Advancing systems change for racial equity

We know that the impact of our collective efforts will bring about lasting change only if it is focused on changing underlying structural constraints, not just providing programs or services.

We recognize that marginalization and oppression are actually embedded in existing systems for many different groups and populations. We strive to take responsibility for perpetuating and correcting inequities by improving systems and shifting power in partnership with Black and Indigenous leaders and communities.

Race and Social Justice Statement

The work of Homeward House Collaborative is on the ancestral lands of the Coast Salish Peoples, in particular, the Tulalip, Snohomish, Stillaguamish, and Sauk-Suiattle tribes. We honor the original caretakers of the land they continue to cherish and protect.

We are is dedicated to fostering racial equity. Our Race and Social Justice Statement describes our commitment and the steps we are taking to change the systems and practices that perpetuate inequities.

Join Us!

If you’re interested in joining or partnering with Homeward House Collaborative, please contact us at homewardhouse@ywcaworks.org.

Serving Snohomish County, Washington