Join the Parent Voice Group!

Parents: Your voice matters! Join the parent voice group to help drive the ways Homeward House Collaborative continues to grow and improve the services for families.

What: Parent Voice is a group of Homeward House participants and alumni who meet monthly to share their experiences and ideas for improving the program and services for families.

When: The fourth Thursday of every month from 1 to 2 p.m.

Where: Zoom

We all know Homeward House saved our lives and our families. Parent Voice is a good way to give back. It’s also very important to surround yourself with alumni and get that extra experience about what worked for them.

Ricky, Parent Voice Group Member

To express your interest and learn more, please email Parent Ally Mentor Dana Gibson at

Participants are compensated at $20 per hour plus $15 for childcare if needed.

Parents who have faced and overcome challenges associated with poverty and substance use disorders have gained valuable knowledge, skills, and insight that makes you experts in ways that others are not. Your perspective can make a positive difference in the lives of other moms and dads.

Homeward House is committed to having parents drive our decisions, and we want to hear from you!