Homeward House Collaborative

Esperanza para los niños y los padres atravesando una crisis, tratamiento y recuperación

En el Condado de Snohomish, Washington

No-cost support to overcome challenges and build strong, healthy family bonds.

Are you facing a very real possibility of losing custody of your baby because you have a substance use disorder? We can help.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by mandated child welfare requirements and fear you may not be able to keep up and get your child back? We can help.

Are you about to become a parent and realize you might have an addiction and don’t know where to turn for help? Turn to Homeward House!

Homeward House Collaborative welcomes families with newborns or infants up to one year old (as well as those who are expecting), living at or below the federal poverty level, and who have an active substance use disorder.

Los mentores parentales, que han superado retos similares y ahora llevan vidas sanas y productivas, establecen relaciones con los padres y les ayudan paso a paso a ponerse en contacto con una serie de servicios de apoyo integral y a utilizarlos.

Wraparound services through Homeward House Collaborative include:

Educación y cuidados de niños pequeños

Educación sobre las necesidades de desarrollo de los niños y acceso a un asesoramiento personalizado para los padres

Recursos económicos

Orientación para asegurar las necesidades básicas, incluyendo la vivienda, los ingresos y la capacidad de planificación

Vías de educación y empleo

Capacitación laboral, programas de formación, educación y orientación laboral para padres

Salud y bienestar

Apoyo a la salud física, emocional y al bienestar de toda la familia

Capital social

Ayuda para acceder y utilizar los recursos disponibles sin agobiarse

Loving father and infant.

Upcoming Event: Integrating Harm Reduction into Programs for Pregnant & Parenting Families

Homeward House Collaborative members and partners are invited to this special session to explore effective strategies for supporting families at every stage of their journey through addiction and recovery.

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Now Recruiting: Parent Ally Mentor Interns!

Paid part-time intern positions are open to fathers and mothers who have triumphed over challenges associated with substance use disorders, poverty, and the child welfare dependency process and are stable in their recovery.

Read more.

The work of Homeward House Collaborative is on the ancestral lands of the Coast Salish Peoples, in particular, the Tulalip, Snohomish, Stillaguamish, and Sauk-Suiattle tribes. We honor the original caretakers of the land they continue to cherish and protect.

We are is dedicated to fostering racial equity. Our Race and Social Justice Statement describes our commitment and the steps we are taking to change the systems and practices that perpetuate inequities.